
Passive Empire Intensive

4 Weeks With Million $ Funnel Builder - Anna Langa 


The Passive Empire Intensive is a 4-week EXCLUSIVE program designed to help you strategize and plan your 5-Figure Month Funnel. This intensive is perfect for ambitious female coaches looking to build a powerful sales funnel that brings consistent revenue and freedom.


WEEK 1 - Initial Strategy

We will start with a 90-minute Deep Dive where we will look at your entire business and your assets. We will discuss your past experience with funnels and systems, what worked, what didn't, and what you want to achieve in 2024 and beyond. Based on that call, I will prepare
an action plan and a funnel strategy for the next 4 weeks.

WEEK 2 - 4

Every Monday morning you will receive an exact plan of what you need to work on and prepare each week.

At the end of each week, we will meet for a laser-focused 60-minute session where I will give you feedback on the homework submitted by Thursday evening and I will reply to all your questions.

During the 4 weeks of the program you will have access to me via Voxer (Mon-Fri, 12-7 pm UK), for any quick questions or guidance. This ensures you’re never stuck and always have the support you need.

Final Steps and Beyond

Million-Dollar Funnel Formula: By the end of the 4 weeks, you will have the entire MILLION-DOLLAR Funnel formula prepared and ready for action. This includes everything from lead generation to conversion and setup for sales.

BONUS - Catch-Up Call: Get complimentary a 60-minute catch-up call, which you can book within 60 days of finishing the intensive. This session is perfect for addressing any additional questions or fine-tuning your strategy.

Imagine having a well-optimized funnel that works for you, generating consistent revenue and allowing you to enjoy more freedom! With the Passive Empire Intensive, you’ll be able to:

- Achieve Financial Goals: Strategize and implement a funnel that will consistently bring in 5-figure (and even more!) months.

- Gain More Free Time: Automate your sales process so you can spend more time on what matters most—whether that’s sipping a pina colada on the beach, traveling, or spending quality time with your kids and loved ones.

- No More Confusion & Procrastination: Stop feeling overwhelmed by the complexities of funnels and marketing. With my guidance, you’ll have a clear path to success!

Ready to build your empire and enjoy the freedom you deserve? Book your spot today and let’s make 2024 your best year yet!

PRICE: $2222

💌 DM me HERE to book 4 week Intensive

60 minutes Fb & IG ads strategy session

Make Moolah Without The Organic Hustle Burnout


Are you an ambitious female coach looking to scale your business but feeling overwhelmed by the constant hustle of organic marketing? Imagine if you could reach a wider audience and sell more of your digital products and coaching offers without burning out.

This 60-minute strategy session is designed just for you!

In this personalized session, we'll dive deep into the world of Facebook and Instagram ads. You'll understand why running ads is crucial for your business growth and how to start doing it right, so you don’t waste your hard-earned money.

What we will cover

- Why Run Ads? - We’ll discuss the key benefits of FB & IG ads and how they can transform your business and help reach more potential clients.

- How to get Started the Right Way - I will teach you the basics of setting up successful ad campaigns. We’ll cover everything from targeting the right audience to crafting compelling ad copy and visuals.

- Funnel Check-Up - I’ll review your sales funnel to asses if it’s ready to run ads to. We’ll identify any gaps and optimize it for maximum conversions.

- Meta Manager and Pixel Setup - I will check if your Meta Business Suite is correctly set up for success and if the pixel is installed and working.
- 3-Month Action Plan - You will walk away from this session with a clear, actionable strategy for the next 3 months, a plan to implement your ad campaigns and start seeing results.

Why You Need This

Organic marketing is great, but come on! You will finally reach the point where you won't be able to do it and get exhausted. By investing in ads, you can avoid burnout and focus on what you do best – coaching and creating amazing content. 

Ads will help you

- Reach a Wider Audience: Tap into new markets and find clients who are looking for exactly what you offer.

- Increase Sales: Drive more traffic to your offers and convert more leads into paying clients.

- Save Time: Automate your marketing efforts so you can spend more time on your business, not just in it.

Ready to take your coaching business to the next level?
Book your 60-minute strategy session today and let’s create a game plan that sets you up for success!

PRICE: $333

💌 DM me HERE to book 60-mins laser focused ads strategy session

60 minutes funnel strategy session

Automate Your Business So You Can ENJOY Life


Are you an ambitious female coach looking to maximize your business potential but feeling stuck with your current sales process? Imagine having a streamlined sales funnel that attracts your ideal clients and converts them effortlessly.

This 60-minute strategy session is designed just for you!

In this focused session, we’ll dive into the details of your sales funnel. You'll gain clarity on how a well-structured funnel can skyrocket your business growth and learn how to optimize each stage for better results.

What we will cover

- Understanding Sales Funnels - We'll cover the basics of a sales funnel, explaining each stage from awareness to conversion and why it's essential for your coaching business.

- Current Funnel Assessment - Before the session, I take a close look at your existing sales funnel, identifying strengths and pinpointing areas that need improvement.
- Optimizing Each Stage - you will learn actionable strategies to enhance each stage of your funnel. From attracting the right audience and nurturing leads to closing sales and creating loyal clients, you'll get practical tips tailored to your business.

- Tools and Tech - Discover the best tools and technologies to support your funnel. We'll go over essential software and automation that can save you time and increase efficiency.

- 3-Month Action Plan - You will leave this session with a detailed, step-by-step plan to implement over the next 3 months. This roadmap will guide you in testing and tweaking your funnel to make sure it is a long-term success.

Why You Need This

A well-optimized sales funnel is the backbone of a successful coaching business. 


- Enjoy More Freedom: With an effective funnel in place, you'll have more time to enjoy life. Imagine sipping a pina colada on the beach, traveling, spending quality time with your kids and loved ones, and pursuing your dreams without the constant grind of working in your business!

- Save Time and Effort: By implementing automated systems that will do the heavy lifting for you, you will regain time and finally be able to focus on your core coaching activities.

- Boost Revenue: Your funnel will drive consistent sales! You will not be able achieve such any results by concentrating purely on organic marketing and selling 1-2-1 offers.

- Increase Conversions: A well-designed funnel will help you turn more leads into paying clients. It's the only way to scale!

Stop feeling overwhelmed by your sales process and start converting more leads with ease. Book your 60-minute strategy session today and let’s create a sales funnel that powers your business success and gives you the freedom to live life on your terms.

PRICE: $333

💌 DM me HERE to book 60-mins laser focused funnel strategy session

Some results I'm very proud of:

Clients Love Notes

Why Others Recommend working with me:

Lisa Marie Pepe

The Confidence Coach & Online Visibility Expert

Anna is my secret weapon! Ever since hiring her as my Digital Launch and Automation Expert, the conversion rates on my optin pages have nearly quadrupled and my open rates in my email campaigns have literally skyrocketed. When it comes to all things digital, especially setting up automation sequences and email funnels, there’s no one else quite like Anna. She takes great pride in everything she creates and is a master at helping online entrepreneurs like me navigate through somewhat complicated automation sequences and email funnels, all of which are essential to having a successful online business. All of my systems now run on autopilot and I couldn’t be any happier. My only regret is not having found Anna sooner.


The Soul Sass and CEO behind Crowned for Success and Bossladies Mindset

I have been working with Anna since the beginning of 2018. She helped me design and build a few optin pages, webinar registration pages and sales pages for my programs and membership sites. She took care of all the integrations with CRM, shopping cart and online course platform, installed pixels and other tools we needed and made sure all was working as it should. She also helped me with a few launches. She set up funnels for them, including setting up an evergreen webinar funnel for my signature program and took care of lead generation via FB and IG ads and retargeting campaigns. On top of all that, she has an amazing eye for design and I just love everything she creates for us. She is a true gem!

Sarah Elizabeth Shapiro

The Millionaire Mindset Coach

I have known Anna for some time from one of the programs she took part in. She was so helpful to other members and shared her impressive knowledge straight from her heart that when I needed help setting up my funnels and use FB ads for promoting my free offer, I had no doubts she will do a great job! And she did! In just a few days together with her team they designed and built the entire funnel and set up an ads campaign to help me grow my list. As a result of the amazing work, we added almost 1000 new people to my list from cold traffic at only $0.68 per lead and got 50% ROI just from the tripwire sales! If you need money-generating funnel - HIRE them!